Category Explore

Half Term Fun For The Whole Family

May half term is fast approaching (woohoo!), and it can be difficult to find ways to keep your little ones entertained. Luckily for you, we’ve gathered up a fun list of ways to keep them busy for hours. You may…

Prepare For The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee!

It’s time to bring out the flags, sing the national anthem proudly, and arrange to see your nearest and dearest, as the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations are just around the corner. Whether you’re organising a street party, a picnic in…

The Big Easter Crawl

With the Easter holidays fast approaching, school is almost out!! A heatwave is loading and we’re getting ready to indulge in all the fabulous treats this half term has in-store at Rushden Lakes, not to mention lots of chocolate! We’ve…

FREE Seed Balls at Rushden Lakes

Pick up a free seed ball today and be a part of our green planet… In support of The Green Planet and its commitment to increasing biodiversity, here at Rushden Lakes, we are giving away FREE seed balls to visitors! Running from…